Site Dev Blog

Jul 22, 2024
Man, I underestimated how much time it would take to build this site. I started building this yesterday and worked until 3 in the morning. While doing so, I've been learning html and css. I've been using freeCodeCamp to learn html and now i'm using it to learn css. It's been very tiring to say the least, but i've been having fun! Hopefully i'll get the site looking pretty soon enough. For now, you'll have to put up with this ugly mug :)

Cat typing on a keyboard
Me rn

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Jul 23, 2024
I've done a lot to make the website look, at least, a bit nicer. Then again, i've been looking at this for hours and I can't tell if it actually looks good or not. I've decided to take on a more 70s theme. The colors were inspired by the rugs that people used to have. Honestly, it's a vibe. I've been rawdogging the freeCodeCamp css course, and i've been googling things on top of that. Honestly, even though it was a lot of work, it was actually kind of fun building the website (freeCodeCamp was not fun, however. It's 1:31 IN THE MORNING and i'm on step 73 of 90!) Also I put an emoji on the front page. I like it.

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Jul 24, 2024
I've done a MASSIVE revamp of the site! I've even animated the navigation section so when you hover over the buttons it moves. CSS is turning out to be a lot easier than I thought. Granted, I thought it was easy before, but this exceeded my expectations. For those who are reading this and don't know and want to know, in the HTML file, I have a button for the different parts of my site. In the CSS file, I put a button style, button{}, and a modification called button:hover{}. Do your styling in the original button section, I set mine to have no bg color and no border. The most important part about this is the "transition" parameter. This param allows you to animate which ever element of the button you want. I set it to 0.2s. I wanted to change the size and color, so in the button:hover{} section, I picked a different color and changed the size. And that's it! Big brain moment, I know. You can't see it but i'm doing the most gigachad looking smile rn

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Jul 28, 2024
Added a read more button. Hopefully my rambles won't be as overwhelming to look at. This took so much work to do. I had to resort to using my second least favorite "high-level" programing language. javascript, which is lucky that the bane of my existance also exists, java, otherwise, it would've totally taken last place in the high-level race.

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