Alycat's Rambles

Jul 25, 2024: Politics
We now have the means to be able to replace representative democracies with a pure and direct democracy. Representative democracies, or some may call them republics, are very useful, but so very very flawed. It is especially evident in the US 2024 election season. Biden vs. Trump (now Harris vs. Trump) is an election that is definitely controversial because of its geriatric, senile, and out of touch candidate and a very very hateful, greedy, and selfish man. *coughs* orange. There were/are many other elections that are a total ****show, but since the US is the most influential country, I will mainly speak about its government. The US is a prime example of what happens when powerful people go unchecked and stay in power longer than they should. They become more powerful and not much can be done about it. The reason why certain government officials, like federal judges, are able to stay in power UNTIL THEY DIE is so "they can't be bought" so to speak. Maybe at the time it was a good idea (I don't think it ever was, ex. King George III) but too many times they "accept gifts" and "do favors" for lobbyists (which should be illegal) and their friends. The life of a public servant should be one of servitude to the people who voted for you. Not so you pay back super PACS and other corporations that couldn't care less the customers that give them their money. Seriously though, if it weren't for people buying your things, you wouldn't have been able to give yourself a $100k raise with $3M bonuses. People need to recognise that we have power. We give our government the legitimacy as a government. Anyways, due to representatives not representing people in the US, it would do everyone a huge favor to either abolish the representative democracy and replace it with a direct democracy or a modified version of it, or abolish the electoral college, since an american's vote does not actually matter. Removing the electoral college is one step in the right direction, but at the same time, more needs to be done. Not all elections have to involve the common folk since they have lives and don't always have the time to go out and vote. The big decisions shouldn't have any representatives of any kind, federal elections, war and, of course, representative elections should be in the hands of the people. Drafting bills and handling other parts of government such as the post office and taxes should remain in the hands of elected representatives.

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